Wednesday 6 November 2013

A taste of ROME

We finished our 2013 adventures in Rome, a quick flight from Catania to Fiumicino and then a hop into a taxi for the Centro Historico where Juliet was based for a year.

Colourful buildings and another Church Dome
Dome of a local church, view from the apartment
Piazza outside Juliet's apartment
Juliet was staying in Via Coronari (Rosary Road), her apartment overlooked a lively piazza and we discovered many excellent bars and restaurants almost on her doorstep.  We had our own small apartment just a few yards away with views over the city.

Early morning view of the Vatican from Ponte Umberto I
Ponte Sant'Angelo.  The bridge was originally built by Hadrian but Bernini's
Angels brought it to life many centuries later
Castel Sant'Angelo.  Built by Hadrian as a mausoleum, it was later
converted into a fortress for the Popes 600 AD
These final few days were a great opportunity to get to know this beautiful city - despite the fact that it rained everyday it still looked beautiful with abundant trees, colourful buildings, cobbled winding streets and bits of history on every corner.

The colourful buildings brighten the gloomiest day
Elephantino with 600 BC Egyptian Obelisk on his back.
The Pantheon is directly behind
Unfortunately Bernini's wonderful Piazza San Pietro  was fenced off due
to an open air mass conducted by the Pope the previous day
Via della Conciliazione built by Mussolini
The main altar with Bernini's Baldaccino.
Mass was being said at an altar behind 
 Early one morning I went off to view the Vatican, the crowds were considerable at 8.00am but I'm sure I avoided the worst.  It was an emotional experience to see the main altar which I had previously viewed only by television over the decades.  There were dozens of services taking place and I thought the guards did a wonderful job in protecting the privacy and dignity of these ceremonies whilst allowing the general pubic a chance to view the magnificent interior.  Apparently only the Pope conducts mass at the main central altar - the towering Baldaccino (canopy) is a Bernini masterpiece built from bronze taken from the roof of the Pantheon.

Umbrellas adding to the colour of the Trevi Fountain

No visit to Rome would be complete without visiting the Trevi Fountain but I'm afraid I didn't find time to visit the Spanish Steps - la prossima volta........