Tuesday 28 May 2013

The Corfu Trail Days One and Two

Boat still on land, only access by 'wonky' ladder
Whilst Alan prepared the boat for summer adventures I journeyed north from Lefkas to Igoumenitsa where I caught a ferry to Corfu.  Just south of Corfu town I met up with English friends Begona, Rosie and Cathy for our much anticipated walk along the Corfu Trail.

The walk started on beautiful Issos Beach SW CORFU.
 We walked to Korission Lagoon and eventually back to Messonghi on the East Coast
The start of our walk -  deserted Issos Beach on western side of Corfu
Cathy, Rosie and Begona

We left the beach and headed across the Juniper sand dunes
 towards Korission Lagoon
We didnt' see any other walkers but did meet this tortoise
Small fisherman's house at entrance to lagoon - note shrine set into wall

After leaving the lagoon we walked inland passing by fields of wild flowers.  
The first days walk ended at the beach resort of Mesonghi (E Coast), it was a fairly easy day on the flat and didn't really prepare us for what was to come! 

Our first two nights were spent at Blue Horizon Hotel - we were welcomed warmly by George, Victoria and Stan.  The hotel had amazing views over the sea.

The Corfu Trail was established as a walk in 2001 and we managed to hike a modest part of the 220 K trail over four days.   It runs south to north; the trail utilises old mule paths passing through idyllic countryside.

Strongili to Sinarades (Central Corfu)

We walked through old Olive Groves and climbed a narrow hill path to Kamianata
View from a dear old lady's terrace in Komianata
Begona waving from deserted house she fell in love with
Lady who had kindly shown us view from her balcony giving Begona directions, and Rosie takes a rest

Photo taken from the other side of Kamianata village.  From here we descended, walking through quiet villages, then began a steep ascent up Mound Agii Deka, where we discovered an abandoned monastery - I was obviously too exhausted to take photos .....

After our exertions it was time for a lunch break before more lovely pathways.

Another stunning view

Cathy leads the way - this is one of the better pathways, many were totally overgrown......

 We ended up in the village of Sinarades where we relaxed over what we felt was a very well deserved late lunch, instead of taking a photo of the restaurant I was distracted by  'stones on terracotta windowsill'  - it was just waiting to be captured.

Sinarades was a well conserved old village with a beautiful old bell tower.

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