Saturday 12 October 2013


Churches & Monasteries on the hillside overlooking St Bartholomews

Scicli is one of the eight towns in SE Sicily recognised by UNESCO for the splendour of Baroque architecture.  Like its neighbours Scicli was devastated by the earthquake of 1693 losing 3000 of its residents.  It is less well known than the towns of Noto, Ragusa Ibla and Modica which we had previously visited and it's also a lot quieter.

Ornate balcony

Scicli is just 16 K from where our boat is moored at Marina di Ragusa and made a great day trip, it has a dramatic setting located in a gorge which is overhung by churches and monasteries on high crags.

The elaborate Palazzo Beneventano
A scary gargoyle to ward off evil (P. Beneventano)
A football game outside the Church of St Bartolomew
Old Steps
We thoroughly enjoyed Scicli which has plenty of Baroque treasures but still retains the normality of a small working town.

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